The Most Scalable Funnel in the Universe


  • Today I’m going to talk about the most scalable funnel that I have ever seen in my more than 10 years of doing this. After building lots of funnels for lots of different people, I’d say that this one, without a doubt, solves the biggest problem to scale, which is a cash flow issue.
  • This particular type of funnel, which is also called an SLO funnel, a tripwire funnel, or a breakeven funnel, has existed before the direct mail days, so be a little wary of people who are claiming that they were the ones who invented it. 
  • This funnel includes: 
    • Sales page ($27)
    • Order bump ($37)
    • Upsell #1 ($95-$195)
    • Upsell #2 ($47/month)
    • Thank you page – the most important page in this entire process
  • Typical ROAS: .9x-2.5x
  • When you put $1 into your advertising, you can get that $1 back within 24 hours. But that doesn’t make it a profitable business. This funnel, however, allows you to take your cost per sale (CPS) out of the equation.
  • Getting customers to buy your $2k product will bring your CPS down to $0. But how do you do that? The thank you page is the critical piece here. To take someone from a customer to the next sale, you need conversations.
  • There are many different ways to have conversations, but what we really love doing is sending people a follow-up email that sends them to a Manychat with a free PDF download. We then have our sales team have actual conversations with these individuals. This has allowed us to completely remove the need for webinars, SOS sequences, and the like. 
  • Having real conversations is what is going to help you get through all of the craziness that’s going on right now if you want to continue selling your high-ticket items, one-on-one services, or whatever it is that you’re trying to sell.


  1. Free Training! How I Scaled To $100k/Month+
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Hello, my dear friends, hope you’re doing well. Let’s talk about the most scalable funnel I have ever seen. And I’ve been around for a minute. I started in 2007, early 2008. So this is, and I’ve been lots and lots and lots of different funnels for lots of, lots of different people. This one, I would say without a doubt solves the biggest problem to scale, which is actually a cashflow issue, which we’ll talk about here in a second, but I want to break down what this funnel is, give you some insights and, uh, and we’ll go from there. A couple of things I did not invent this funnel, but there are some things that we do unique about our funnel. Um, and second, be very wary of anyone who says that they invented this funnel, um, because this funnel has existed since the direct mail days a and B. And before that, even, so just be a little weary of some of these people making claims like they’re the face of this particular type of funnel. They are not. This has been around for a long, long time.

Okay? So this is some people call an SLO SLO funnel. Some people call it

Tripwire funnels. Some people call it a breakeven funnel. It’s very, very simple. You may have seen many of these. I apologize in advance for my drawing skills here, sales page. You’ve probably seen them $27, $37, $47, whatever they might be. You’ve got yourself, the order bump, which is something along $37. Then of course you have the good old sell, which is oftentimes somewhere between 95 and $195. Then of course you have yay. Our upsell, okay. That’s English. I promise upsell number two. And that’s a number also. I promise what we like to do when we build these is we like to do continuity and we’re going to talk about why we like continuity. And then we have, of course the thank you page, which in my opinion, my humble but accurate opinion is the most important page in this entire process is actually the thank you page.

Now we have built, um, like I said, we’ve built a close to 30 different funnels since January of this year. I’m recording this on July 31st. So we’ve been doing a couple of funnels per month, and I can tell you that this is without a doubt, the most scalable funnel ever. And that’s because of something very, very simple, typical row, as on this funnel, like in real life, not in the here’s the webinar I’m going to sell you like my $10,000 course on how to build this in real life row as somewhere between 0.9 X. Um, and we’ve seen consistently the high end be about 2.5 X. So a dollar in 90 cents out or a dollar and $2 and 50 cents. Now what’s beautiful. And why this becomes the most scalable funnel in the world is there’s two things that happen. Okay? One is obviously you put a dollar into your advertising and within 24 hours, okay, you get that dollar back.

That’s great. That means you can go to the market. You can, you can run this and run it and run it and just build big lists of customers. You can sell 20, 30, 40, 50 of these a day. Love it. It’s wonderful. It’s great. Um, but that doesn’t really make a profitable business, a dollar in a dollar out. Now you’ve got support costs. Cause you need to like run support. You got a, maybe you have to outsource your ad. So you have ads management fees, like there’s all this other stuff that starts to compile. There’s the cost of the software to run the funnel, the build, the funnel, et cetera. And nobody ever talks about that, right? That’s not going to sell you into their program if they tell you that,

But that for us.

So this has become the most scalable funnel in the world for one very simple reason. And this is it. It is cash flow. The number one problem that that most entrepreneurs have coaches, consultants, freelancers. When they’re trying, when they have something that’s selling, let’s say you’ve got a $5,000 coaching program. Let’s say you have a $2,000 a month service that you sell to someone and you’re able to do it in some other funnel. Maybe you have a VSL funnel. You have some of that kind of funnel. The number one problem you’re going to run into is that you will not have enough cash to scale as quickly as you probably want to scale. It’s not like you just press a button and all of a sudden it just blows up and you’re making a ton of money often, what will happen? Let me give you an example.

We had a client who had a $2,000 offer and it was costing them $200 per sale when they were selling 10 a month. And they came to us and they say, okay, look, what I want to do is I want to start selling 30 to 40 to 50 of those a month. Obviously their goal was 50, right? They wanted to hit a hundred thousand dollars a month. Well, what do you think happened to this number right here? When we started to scale the ads, of course it ballooned and ballooned to 500. And then once the market started to get saturated, it started to ballooning to 900 a sale. And the only reason they were even making sales in the first place is because this had a, uh, you know, a, um, a, what are those called payment plans? Uh, you know, whatever, it was 12 payments of 249.

So when you have a $500 sale, you’re starting to lose money. We have a $900. So you’re starting to lose money before you make the money back. And before you think, well, Oh, it’s because my, you didn’t know the secret to this Facebook ad that look, we have some of the best media buyers. I work with some of the best media buyers. I respect people like Justin, Brooke, and you know, I listened to at-scale all those, we, we follow the best media buyers in the world and we implement their strategies. And they’re just the reality is, is that when you increase and scale and offer, it becomes more expensive. There’s market saturation, there’s ad fatigue. There’s all these different things that happen. Okay. So this is what happened with this client. So a lot of people, what they’ll do is they’ll say, Oh, well,

I guess that, that means what I have to do is take what was working and either accept the fact that it’s more expensive or try all these little bright, shiny object tricks and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

What this little SLO tripwire, most profitable, scalable funnel in the world actually allows you to do is take this number out of the equation. Okay? So for example, let’s do a new sheet here and I’ll show you what I mean

When you have the SLO tripwire funnel, whatever you want to call it, a dollar in and a dollar out within 24 hours. And then you sell that $2,000 thing. Then your cost per sale equals zero. Okay? So then all you do is you just push this as hard as you possibly can. Now you probably already know this. This probably makes sense to you already. You probably thought about this. You may be even trying to make this happen, but there’s a missing piece. And this is the critical missing piece. This is why I say the thank you page is the most important. How do you go from a dollar and a dollar out making customers to them then suddenly buying this $2,000 thing. What’s the trick. What’s the secret. What’s the, I’m going to give you the most simple solution that we’ve come up with after testing this for a long time and trying to, you know, like just really just racking our brains and the whole team coming together to take someone from customer to next sale. What you need are conversations. There’s lots of different ways to have a conversation. You could tell that customer, thank you very much for buying this thing. Now I’d like you to go watch my webinar. You could tell that person, thank you very much for buying this thing. I want you to go watch this VSL. Thank you very much. Let’s book a call. There’s all sorts of different things, but here’s the thing that we’ve landed on that we really, really love. And I want to share this with you. It’s really, really fun. We’re enjoying it immensely.


Okay. Here’s what we do. Somebody buys the $27 offer. Oops, that’s a seven. I promise $27 offer. We then send an email plus some followups, but we’ll just keep it simple for now that email sends them to a many chat with a PDF download. All right. So what are we talking about? I promise that says download. Um, so somebody buys our thing for $27. We send them a quick email and then we send them to many chat to say, Hey, I have something for you. It’s the next step? It’s this free PDF. If you’d like it, all you have to do is just click this button. They click the button, they’re taken to their Facebook chat. So it’s a, it’s basically a mini chat. We don’t do automations. We don’t do anything. We just have a welcome message in many chat. They say, I love this thing.

I want this PDF. We say, here it is. And then what do we do? We have our sales team have actual conversations with these individuals and say, Hey, how’s your $27 purchase going? Whatever that $27 purchase thing is, Hey, how is your business going? And then they go through a typical conversation like you would selling anything else. We’ve completely removed the need for webinars. We’ve completely removed the need for complex SOS sequences. We completely remove the need for all of this complexity. And we’ve kept it real and organic. Now I hear some of you saying, Oh, but Mike, I want to do a webinar. I, you know, I want to, and you, you start to your mind goes to automation, automation, automation, automation. I’m going to tell you something. This shift going from removing the cost to acquire a customer, and then moving that customer into a, a conversation with an actual human being is what has allowed us during the craziness that’s going on right now in the world where people’s fear and doubt and attention span and their, uh, their unwillingness to part with money and, and, and their, their lack of optimism and their, their feelings of insecurity.

Having a conversation with a real person will always, always beat out a webinar. It will always beat out a VSL because in a webinar, in a VSL, you’re talking at someone with many chat, you can begin to talk with someone. Their trust is, is it’s open. It’s there. And you’re talking with customers. You’re not talking with freebie seekers, you’re hiding the mini chat behind the $27. Um, and you can put this many chat in the email followup. You can put it on the thank you page while I say, thank you. Page is so important. Just a little link of, Hey, have a chat with us. We have this PDF. We’d love to deliver to you, et cetera, et cetera. There’s all sorts of places. You can put it within the program. You can have it as a bonus section. Hey, we have this bonus PDF for you.

Click this button. They go to many chat, et cetera, et cetera. But the point that I want to make here is my time’s almost up. Having real conversations is what is going to help you get through all of the craziness that’s going on. If you want to continue to sell high ticket items, to sell your one-on-one services, to sell your, whatever it is that you’re trying to sell, you need to start talking to people because they are afraid. They are scared. They are nervous. They are, they need that intimate, uh, sort of, uh, um, that connection. You know, it’s one of those things that I don’t agree with, everything that Gary Vaynerchuk says, but he did say something that has really profoundly effected my business, where he says scale. The unscalable, the hard thing to do is to talk to people and everybody wants to hide behind their webinars and hide behind their VSLs and et cetera. I’m telling you, you can eradicate all the stress of having to write a perfect VSL, having to write a perfect webinar, having to create the perfect email sequence. If you’re just willing to dump people into a many chat, send them one message that delivers a PDF download, and then start to talk to them. You will be absolutely surprised at how easy the system process and the system becomes for creating and scaling your business are my difference. That’s it for me today. Hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you on the next one.

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